mandag den 6. februar 2017

Cupid and Matchmaker

"You smell tantalizing.
Your fragrance is waves of light, misty pink,
english red and silky magenta."

"Yes, precisely. And, as you know,
I do not use perfume, but this scent is produced
whenever I’m in the process of arranging trysts
between newly sprouted hearts.
That's because I'm so fascinated by it."

"Your eyes and cheeks rays in D major,
and when you conjure with your matchmaking,
I sense a taste like a mixture of nectar, rosehip jam,
heather honey and summer."

"I feel at the same time a lot of subtle bells
chime and flash of joyous delight.
I’m so in love with my work that it gets
my full attention. And I see everything in that light."

"I understand what you mean.
When one of my arrows has hit a heart,
and I notice the change in the person's eyes,
the fine flushed cheeks and the poetic movements,
I also feel I have come in my niche.
Take my hand. Then we will dance in the snow
until it melts and is replaced with a floral blanket.”

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