mandag den 21. april 2014

Star Dreams

All who were employees of the Firmament, had started at the bottom of the hierarchy with their vocational training, as tiny points of light, and if they would advance here, they should work for it.
It took courage, talent and hard work, not to mention time, to achieve stardom, but had one finally achieved it, almost everything one said and did, was seen as sparkles, and relatively fast growing salaries to astronomical heights.
One was further recorded in the star map, and was then exposed and linked in the galaxies. Was one, so to speak, discovered, beamed the career opportunities.
Unfortunately for some, they burned out earlier than expected. Often became their light brighter and brighter, too fast, and then they exploded, collapsed and turned into black holes.
Maybe they had forgotten the right hemisphere, and oversaw love, art, culture, philosophy, meditation, astrology, poetry and adventure, because the bright glow of the earth’s gold seemed to them more real than the beautiful, golden light and sounds from the singing stars. The stars who constantly inspired each other’s beautiful luster and together spread a bright rug across the firmament.
But many ended their career as small, beautiful shooting stars in the Milky Way, and this was honorable enough.

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