torsdag den 24. april 2014

The Smile

There is made much fun with Mona Lisa’s inscrutable smile, but I think I know what Leonardo was trying to tell with it, thought Leo and smiled slyly. He felt he had seen right, but could not directly claim that Leonardo’s intention was in full compliance with this experience.
It could also have been described with music, but such a composition, was Leo not able to perform. However, he would recognize the music if a composer described the same as Leonardo did, because it seemed to him that he understood the message.
Before this discovery saw he almost only division of the world in all sorts of different things: Other people, animals, streets, cars, trees, thoughts, feelings, cold, wind, summer weather, himself, lampposts, sky, sun, moon, stars, cans, furniture and the distances between it all, but in a magical and elongated second, smiled it all at once and revealed or suggested that it was in fact one disguise.
The suggestion was a Mona Lisa smile which consisted of all of the above, and everything else that was not mentioned. If you only saw these things as separate elements in space and time, you could not see the Mona Lisa’s smile, but a sudden and very gentle change of mind approach revealed everything in one unit which also included space and time, while everything also took out as before.
He wondered if it was possible to see it that way always, and thought that it was because it actually was real. One might maybe go further and achieve even a more wonderful way to realize the world on, but it might prove. Now it was, at first, to recall the Mona Lisa’s smile, straight through everything – as often as possible in regaining the state of mind which transported it… and nurture it, for a brief glimpse from reality’s tiara is much more valuable than constant light from illusion’s diamonds.
So it was maybe not so important whether it was what Leonardo had tried to tell, but Mona Lisa picture was a picturesque way to describe something without to spell out it further. Now would Leo go into the paint shop and buy the few colors that he was missing. Tubes with Royal Blue and Titanium White were used up, and those could he not do without.
There was soon full moon and maybe lunar face had shown something of this unfathomable too. He would reflect on it, and then it would turn out if he could capture it without anyone at the sight of the resulting picture would exclaim:
“Is this to be a human, a pizza, a full moon… or what?”
In a TV show on the Discovery Channel Leo had followed was revealed some researchers attempt to understand what made Leonardo’s colors radiating so special. The painters made their own colors at the time, and experimented with different recipes.
To the researchers’ surprise, was Leonardo’s colors without known pigments. It was not acceptable for colors without pigments gave no immediate sense.

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