onsdag den 9. april 2014

When big is good and bigger is better

Many fusions probably occurs with the above thoughts in mind, and this is also going to happen on a galactic level. The boards of the two already large companies, Andromeda and the Milky Way have decided to merge. None of the galaxies have issued press releases yet, but our employee in space, Hubble, has been able to reveal the plans.
It will not happen tomorrow or next week, but first after approx. 4 billion years, and implementation is expected to take another few billion years.
The merger do not seem to cost jobs, because all the involved stars will slide in between each other in good order. There is ample space or spaces, but some minor rearrangements will maybe occur.
So we must wait and see whether the merger lead to the development of new products, new circumstances or ideas so that all shareholders can be happy and satisfied.

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