tirsdag den 22. maj 2018


Seize the moment in its flight
and pour it into a test tube.
Add a small splash of good time
from time zones all over the world
and put a gram of dried
powdered thyme in as well
plus three grams early morning.
Then only remains
a pinch of sizzling sea salt a squeeze of
overtime and a teaspoon tide.
Now it starts to bubble sizzle and steam
and the shape of the tube changes
making the upper
and lower halves expand
to tripple size of their diameters
whilst the middle gets a narrow waistline.
A handful of fine, dried beach sand
and time immediately starts.
Remember to put a lid on the opening
and turn the glass upside down.
Every time the time is ripe
one of Newton’s laws will set the clock
in time.

/Yens Wayman.

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