onsdag den 13. august 2014


"Hello, good old moon. Tell me, why have you bought yourself seven-league boots? You are not exactly known for wearing shoes up. Become, however, by your reading and don't change the color moons should have, stick to your lane, your pace and your circles as usual."

"But I haven’t acquired seven-league boots. However, I think I know why you say so. You think I have become faster so there is less and less time between I'm full. Like I’m new one day, half full the next and complete full the second next. But that's just because you have become older too, and it feels like time is accelerating. My pace has, largely, not changed since the dawn of time."

"Anyway, you are one of the few creatures that I know who become more and more beautiful, the fuller you are."

"Thank you. Yes I know, and many are drawn by me. I carry my own secret burdens with a smile, and between you and me, I can reveal that Leonardo, you know, was inspired to Mona Lisa's smile by me. But I have also a dark side, which I keep to myself, because I would rather show me from my most appealing side. Sometimes I’m not visible. Light is costly, one must save on it, so I keep my monthly saving exercises, but otherwise I'm a shining example of the sun's profligacy. Perhaps one can say that I decorate myself with borrowed feathers, but it's still not entirely fair to say that I only am decked when I'm full. I am who I am, and the version of me that you see and honor have birthday at the same time as you."

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