lørdag den 31. maj 2014

Musiske horisonter.

Stort set hver dag gik hun tur ved havet. Hun bar altid en fodsid kjole eller nederdel og havde kun fodtøj på, når der var meget koldt. Med bare fødder følte hun en inderlig kontakt med kloden, hun levede på endnu en stund, en kontakt som fodtøj ville formindske betydeligt. Og hun havde brug for klodesjælens vitaminer.

Hendes blik afsøgte altid horisonten, og oftest var det muligt at se den. Men når der ingen som helst overgang var mellem himlen og havet, kiggede hun efter rav, dog på en lidt flegmatisk måde, hvilket betød, at hun kun sjældent fandt noget. For hendes tanker var altid ved Node, og når han dukkede op, var det tid at vende tilbage.

Han havde bragt hende her, og her ville han også hente hende, når tiden var inde, og bægeret fyldt.

Kun få bemærkede hende, fordi hvert atom, i hver af hendes legemes celler, vibrerede med en unik hastighed, det blotte øje ikke umiddelbart opfattede. Hun kunne dog se alt, da hendes omgivelser var hendes udgave af de jordiske, fremkaldt af hendes eget sind, så det passede til hendes sansning.

Når hun så Node igen, ville hun blive fyldt med vibrerende salighed, og sammen ville de, på et splitsekund, gennembryde tidsmuren, vende hjem og juble i evighedens korridorer, mens de komponerede de grundtoner, denne verdens komponister undertiden tunede ind på og høstede af. Men først når tyngden af hendes ophold her, havde fyldt hendes bæger til randen igen.

Sådan var horisonterne, og næste gang var det hendes tur til at hente én, som kunne fremvise et fyldt bæger igen.

Musical horizons

Almost every day she walked by the sea. She never went anywhere without floor-length dress or skirt and only had shoes on when there were very cold. With bare feet, she felt an intense contact with the planet she lived on for a period, a contact as footwear would diminish significantly. And she needed vitamins from the planet’s soul.
Her eyes always searched the horizon, and in most cases it was possible to see it. But when there was no transition between the sky and the sea, she looked for amber, though in a somewhat phlegmatic manner, which meant that she rarely found anything. For her thoughts were always at Node, and when he would show up, it was time to return.
He had brought her here, and here he would pick her up when the time came, and the cup was filled again.
Few noticed her because every atom in each of her body cells vibrating at a unique rate, the naked eye not immediately perceived. She, however, could see everything when her surroundings, her version, was created by her own mind, and fitted to her senses.
When she saw Node again, she would be filled with vibrant bliss, and together they would, in a heartbeat, break through time wall, return home and rejoice in the eternal corridors while composing the fundamental frequencies, the planets composers sometimes tuned in to and harvested by. But only when the weight of her stay here, had filled her cup to the brim again.
Such was the horizons, and the next time it was her turn to pick someone who could show a filled cup.

fredag den 30. maj 2014

Spring water

At the foot of the mountain (Skt. Nikolaj) was a drinking trough. The horses that went around freely in the fenced meadow, drank from it. It always overflowed because it came from a natural spring which sprang from the mountain side. The water rippled through the grass via a simple pipe and ran into the trough.

Leaves, flowers, insects, a drowned mouse and other things flowed on the surface. All in constant lazy motion because of the eternal water supply. The meadow was lush and filled with a carpet of glistening yellow globeflowers and other flowers. There were many lapwings, gulls and larks, and near the trough, one would soon spot a wet frog. Oddly enough, never a stork. The conditions were otherwise present. There was often a cluster of sparrows and blackbirds using the trough as their waterpark. They enjoyed blowing themselves up and shaking water at each other while constantly greeting and nodding politely.

The children drank straight from the source, when they were thirsty. Even on a hot summer day, the water was cold and refreshing. It was a time when time itself did not intend to pass. While the kids were there with bare knees in the damp grass and shaped hands, so the water could flow into the mouth and down their cheeks and chins, they felt it did not track tantalizing. Just normal and natural.

But being visited by relatives from the big cities was tantalizing. Their fine clothes and their different scents, their careless relationship with money and the consequent opportunity to score lollies, an ice boat or a cake from the bakery, were welcoming features in the children's life.

Many years later, the place is still recognizable, albeit slightly alienated. The roads and trails are named, cottages replaced the horses, globeflowers and lapwings are a rarities. The city has changed appearance due to beautiful restorations and new, well-built permanent residences, and the old bridge over the fjord, with the red-painted iron railings, is gone. The same is all the shops. 

There was probably no money or not enough money in the conditions as they were.

fredag den 23. maj 2014

Freya's aura

She is the fairest among asynjes, and soon she will arrive. The room is cleansed and thousands of rose petals are spread all over the floor.
A rustle is heard outside the door. Could it be her?
No, just a cat, and the door is quickly closed. Shortly after the rustle returns… The door is opened ajar and another cat miaows. It is served a treat, and the door is quickly closed. The dog doesn’t feel comfortable with cats, and cats are not expected right now.
Time passes by and the rose petals wither. She did not show up after all.
“Yes yes yes” the blackbird sings, “she unleased the two cats from the waggon and sent them ahead. If you didn’t know them and closed your door, she could not find you. Should you still perceive her knocking, however, she has not given up hope for paying you a visit. But your expectations are obstacles for that which is, and you will not be able to recognise her, as the vanguards sent ahead, are also her… in disguise. You have no idea of how much she exceeds your expectations – so welcome her just as she is.
She might send a vanguard… once more out of your comprehension for connecting to her. Always keep an eye on Bifrost, the rainbow bridge to Valhalla.
She weeps the tears of gold and amber, because she misses Od, but should she ever come to visit you, and you manage to make her smile through the tears, she forgets all about him and stays with you. She wants so much to forget him, as he will never ever return to the sacred place in her heart.
If you let go of your primitive thoughts about her, and allow your heart to open wide – she is yours. The highest obtainable beauty of this world. And you will be hers.”

torsdag den 22. maj 2014

Mother Fjord

You were a loving embrace throughout our childhood. You almost surrounded the village and were visible, wherever we found ourselves. You were silent, and you were rushing, depending on what mood you were in. As if you had an appointment with the wind. You smiled challenging when you showed teeth, and you smiled like a nursing mother when you were calm, and mirrored the horizon landscapes with its heads downwards.
When the sun glittered in your lazy ripples, everything was good.
Wooden poles with yarn underwater stood targeted, and showed the fishermen where the fish should be harvested early in the mornings and motor boats, kayaks and some flat-bottomed barges, which was good to transporting the wooden poles, you carried safe and secure on your surface.
Because you were always there, many kids could swim before they were eight. They didn’t give that much thought, it was just a matter of course. And eel, flounder, a trout among, crabs in abundance and different kinds of very small fish living in bustling community under your surface.
On the surface you changed your appearance as the wind blew, but you were not superficial. You had great depths, which seemed unfathomable. At the coast you allowed the children to paddle and play, and they caught the various miniature fish in jars.
In winter, you learned us to skate. For your smiles froze when the cold took hold. Then you could carry a lot and did it well.
You’re still humming the same tune as then. The children are now elder people, the houses in the village are partially modified and new ones obtained. Only some of the old trees still exist, many are newer generations.
Also brand new people have come, people who didn’t knew you as you were. But they will learn to know you as you are now and you have apparently not changed in the slightest.
The new generations can’t bathe in the same water we bathed in, even though it might look like they do. Because even if you apparently have not changed on the surface, you have renewed you so many times, you’d think it was a lie.
In a living fjord you can’t swim in exactly the same water more than once.

onsdag den 21. maj 2014

Divine measures

If a broom was aware of itself as a creature it would find it most natural to sweep, or be flown with by witches as a natural pattern of action that is consistent with the nature of its incarnation.
Gazelles eating grass while lions eating gazelles, and none of them are to blame, no matter what one think about it. As long as none of them exceed the limits nature has marked, they are doing what they have to do.
Goddesses might seem a little tricky, because their powers are not to grasp, and you’d rather be able to grasp things in order to feel safe, even if it is not possible to grasp something that is so far above similar, commonly used, comprehension. So if you want to dance with a goddess, you only get the lead, if you accept that the dance floor is the Lord’s Mark.
Frigg had gotten a tickling lust to see other gods and goddesses, and brewed at the opportunity to invite to a party in Valhalla, but she knew that it was not just something you did with a snap of the fingers. Odin should be content with the idea, and this alone could be a big hurdle to overcome. Not because he was not for partying, but the ideas should preferably come from him, So it would need to think and prepare carefully so the feast could become a reality and a success.
And although there was plenty of room in Valhalla, you could not invite everyone, so there could be problems with jealousy from those not invited, and its kind would be difficult to get written into oblivion. The Olympian gods and goddesses would fill well, so Frigg would like to settle for Appollon and the nine Muses, and from India had to finally not invited more than were invited from Olympus. But in India, there were over three hundred million gods to choose from, so it was no easy feat. Lakshmi, with the four arms would certainly not be invited, because it was too much for Frigg to look at when she ate and drank, and it was impossible not to look at her because her movements were so conspicuous.
So maybe it was still best to forget the desire for a big feast. Odin also suffered from migraine, as he called it, when he had drunk too much mead and it was pretty much every day. To be honest he was too old to Frigg, who had pulsating blood in her veins, and everyone knows what that might mean. Everyone also knows that the new brooms sweeps best, but Odin could not just be replaced, because even though he was old, he could probably easily live some eons and a few decades yet. He also had been up early every day since the beginning of time, so little bleary-eyed, is understandable, he was.
It had to wait until late June, so they could celebrate Midsummer, because it made sense in Valhalla, when witches were related to the jotuns and often were together with Loki. They held many ordinary gatherings, and had their own plans which included brooms, for they wouldn’t cycle to Blocksberg, but flew in their usual, authorized manner. But new brooms was always welcome, and they were never actually used to sweep with.
Therefore, witch brooms were often frustrated, but deep in their precious hearts, was a faint recollection of a life where you were able to move dust and dirt from one place to another. And it made perfect sense for a broom.

mandag den 19. maj 2014

Like it's revealed or as it is seen

If you search for amber on the beach
you will probably find it, sooner or later.
Looking at the cup as half full
or half empty. So it is.
Are paper elves in summer hibernate waiting for Christmas?
It which fills the heart puts often the tongue to work.
Multiply sirens with humans or with fish?
On an adventurous way?
When the water is sufficiently hot in the sea,
there‘s oxygen depletion in the fjords.
Celebration fairies and elves only by forest lakes
and only by full moon?
What is the smallest and what is the greatest?
Is there a difference between a unicorn horn
and a nose spear from a narwhal?
Do you judge without condemning?
Maybe you have good eyes. What do you see first?
If you look for something specific you will probably find it.
It is there!

søndag den 18. maj 2014

A cup of dewdrops

You draw hearts with a finger
outlines lightly in the pane dew
contours as triggering quiet sigh
from the heart.
One thing alone can fill your cup
and change sigh to inscrutable smiles.
One thing alone can fill your heart
The tone from your real home.
Your eyes smiling relieved
sparkle like sun in dewdrops.
Your gaze is directed against the pane
did you reveal dew code?

fredag den 16. maj 2014


Flower bud
beautiful and vibrant
Many buds bloom
but you wait.
You smile and wait.
Your time is your own
and you know
your own flowering
becomes extra beautiful.
You are fueling
many emotions, thoughts,
promises and expectations.
When you bloom
all is well
and the world cheer
the universe cheer
in innocent timelessness.
Thoughts give you time
but it’s only thoughts.
You will bloom
when time and mind
rest again.
You are here
because I see you,
or I see you
because you are here.

tirsdag den 13. maj 2014

A bouquet of lyme grass

The restored fishermens houses have opened their eyes and ears, so the salty summer wind can clear the air between furniture and carpets.
Dust collections are replaced by fine sand, which the wind scatters between thumb and forefinger, while the gulls that have spotted the roof-even-table with squirming, stranded small fish, has folded their umbrellas and changed their waltz-like flights out with quick-step by water’s edge, to avoid the beach cleaning wet swab, which jealously and dutifully sliding back and forth. It will not allow the seagulls to eat in peace, and grind meanwhile the horns of the stones that not themselves yet have overcome them.
The sea recites clear, steady and assertive, it’s suggestive mantra, and behind the houses hanging salt embalmed dab to dry on a string with clothespins in the collars, and the matresses are filled with new lyme grass.
Where the dunes can not reach up, the sun vagaries grass and flowers. A lizard falls into a reverie on a rock, and dune rose bush has got an eagle feather in it’s hat.

mandag den 12. maj 2014

Was it a dream or just a moonbeam?

If life is a dream, then who is dreaming? While you sleep, you can dream. Who is dreaming? Is it the person you are in the dream, or is it the person lying under the covers, or maybe both? The people you are discussing with in a dream may have an entirely different opinion than yourself. Do they know it themselves, or are they just extras? The person you are in the dream is of the same substance as the persons you have discussions with. This also applies to the surroundings including the surrounding universe. When you wake, you know that you do not dream.
But this you know also while you dream.
Between wakefulness and dreams, there is a borderland where the universe’s most beautiful symphonies are composed and tested to find suitable instrumentations, after which they will be written on subtle music sheets. Here is a port that is lit with a glow as from the noblest ethereal-poetic amber, and do you find this port and go through it, you are suddenly in the realm where spring and fall, birth and death, wonderful presence and staggering distances, is a circular rainbow, like Ouroboros, the snake of eternity, that has no beginning, no middle and no end.
While dreaming, you believe in what you experience. For you are not only an observer of the dream, you participate in it, you are directly involved. It is easy to forget when you recall the episodes from a dream. Here you recreate it from the outside in a slight angle from above and maybe only enlightened by a few moonbeams from your mind.
If you, while you’re dreaming, are pondering over questions such as time, distance, eternity, etc., you will find that the problems are the same as when you’re awake. Here is the past, present, future, infinity, etc. also subjects which evading clarity.
Sometimes you become suddenly aware that you are dreaming, and then you can often soar and really enjoy the new possibilities, but it rarely lasts long. One of the reasons is that it is easy to abuse these supernatural powers, and then you will continue dreaming normally again or wake up.
Are these issues important to get answered? Yes, that’s perhaps a good question.
The old moon says, that if you let the thoughts rest and give the baton to the heart, moonbeams will whisper what you need to know, if you still remember your questions and hold on to them. If you don’t they were mostly figments. She might have a part in it and is happy to share her knowledge and experience without taking a single wolf howl for it. She usually saying:
“I have even got my information from the sun, and completely free of charge.”

lørdag den 10. maj 2014

The Roadside by the Milky Way

As he walked quietly and thoughtfully at the star studded Milky Way, he saw the beautiful flowers on the roadside. He wanted to pick a bouquet, but decided just to pick three flowers because he did not have the heart to take too much into this wonderful vegetation, but as it turned out, the flowers grew just as quickly out again, as he could pick them, he gathered so many that there could be both a bouquet as a garland for his muse’s lovely head. She bathed in the beautiful, fresh sea by her adventure shore, and when she sat down on her blanket in the glittering sand, would the flowers and the garland, in a special way they both understood, lie next to the inflatable cushion.
He picked boldly thousand. While he was sitting by the roadside, and merged, he thought of the tale of the women in the ditch. He had finally understood it but could still pick wisdom flowers out of it, and with this knowledge he had gained access to his walks in the Milky Way. Then he went on, as he thought of his muse. His face revealed a quiet and joyful smile.
Leaning against a piece of rainbow stood a young man and watched him. He looked interested in the bouquet and floral wreath, and looking towards a point above his head as if he could see anything. And he could. He saw smal bubbles that rose up in a little bow , and up to a larger bubble, much like the speech bubbles in an earthly cartoon, and he saw his own idea of what the man with the flowers had in mind.
When they were near each other, said the rainbow man:
“I see, you think of an exceptionally beautiful woman by the sea, and you look like you have something special in mind, if I may say so.”
“Well, yes, I have then. But I can see that even that your thoughts make your heart beats a little faster under than over the umbilicus, it banks beautiful. So, here you go. You get this bouquet and this garland. Whether you want to pass them on to someone you appreciate, or consider them as a gift you alone to enjoy is entirely up to you. I do not manage to give them directly to my muse, but she has certainly already understood my intention, while she is sun dreaming.
And it’s the only way she wants and can receive on.”

torsdag den 8. maj 2014


The troll from Kebnekaise felt besides himself
Hungry and outdated he loved a pretty elf
He ate a knob of butter and drank from river water
“It helps control your feelings,” said his eldest daughter
He looked down in the river and saw a giant whale
What river mirror showed him, was not a fairy tale.
“So thick my body looks, the butter has changed to fat
A stomach like a whale will women notice that?
Now I will turn the pot not listen to my daughter
And use my own advice: Stop looking down the water.”

onsdag den 7. maj 2014

Dialogue between times

It starts again with a point without size. With silence everywhere, and everything looks like nothing.
¨Your fresh cheek is lovely to touch gently with my fingertips.¨
¨Nonsense, see my wrinkles.¨
The point is growing. Slowly at first, then faster and faster. Eventually it fills everything. It’s like an explosion. When time comes, it implodes, and everything is silent.
¨I can’t see any wrinkles, but turn the other cheek. Yes, it is quite the same. And your mouth makes me think of cherry – when I look at it.”
When the time comes, it starts again with a point. Breathing out and breathing in.
¨You have a vivid imagination, and your view is no more what it used to be.¨
¨But that’s how I experience it, and you are as beautiful as a real Muse, who is living between heaven and earth – as they say. You are my Muse.¨
¨Yes, thank God. Then you are my Museum.”

tirsdag den 6. maj 2014

While Dandelions bloom

Come. In the pantry is a jar of the finest, wild honey and suffiently cooled milk. Stay here for a while, before heading to the realm, where the sun maybe is, like a dandelion is in relation to the sun here, as it always strives to emulate.
The light of your sun eludes description, but are you smiling of time, and all it surrounds itself with, then come back sometimes and away the memory for weary, expectant hearts. I will bring you flowers and give you dinner with freshly dug potatoes and sun-ripened strawberries with cream. In time.

mandag den 5. maj 2014

Marshwoman Brew

There was a magical lighting in the Marshwoman region between the two great empires. It was known that the border went here, but it was not clear defined, for the landscape did not allow this. It was bog, and road markings, signs or similar could not be maintained. The landscape was changing all the time, and although it in its own special way, was very beautiful, it was too dangerous to move around in. Some had disappeared without trace, and search operations no one dared to assume.
Josephine and Knud Borge went hand in hand and enjoyed the surroundings to the full. They knew a little about the area and kept a close eye on where they put their feet, because there’s spongy here and there, and one could certainly be unfortunate enough to be sucked down and be utterly helpless, in a manner reminiscent of being caught in quicksand. Such were the stories about the area anyway, but if they really “held water,” had never been proven.
The missing persons could also be migrated to one of the two kingdoms and applied for asylum here, or they could have gone underground, which could well be done, without necessarily have to be swallowed up by it. But many were so engrossed in the idea of the bog uniqueness that they not voluntarily gave up the macabre rumors and legends that were in circulation. For a little extra color to the painting made it more obvious and thus easier to spot.
A nice and refreshing mist waved and gave the area a magical impression.
“Marshwoman brews,” said Knud Borge.
Josephine nodded, smiling. She liked Knud Borges sense of the mysterious-romantic and leaned against him as they walked. It almost felt as if they hovered, she thought … and suddenly she realized that it was just what they did.
“We hover, Knud Borge,” she exclaimed with a broken voice.
Knud Borge, which she still held in her hand, began to rise. It was so amazing that they instinctively left off each other’s hands, and a moment later was Knud Borge out of sight, swallowed up by the Marshwoman brew.
Josephine realized she smiled and was quite surprised that it did not bother her in the least. There was such a beautiful feeling about the whole thing, as if everything was in perfect order, which required no explanation. She hovered a few inches above the marsh and felt a wonderful lightness throughout her body and her mind.
Out of the mist appeared a white horse, with huge, swan-like wings, and came right up to her.
“Get on,” said he, “we must move on.”
Josephine swung herself up easily, and so it went with dizzying speed right into nothingness. There was neither space nor time here, and there was no one to observe it, so there can’t be told about it, therefore we let it stand here. When she became conscious again, she was in the process of crossing the diffuse boundary between the Marshwoman’s area and the lush, sun-drenched summer land, but before she could consider all this, it was completely forgotten.
Then she stood with her eyes closed and the shower in her hand while she washed the soap out of her hair, and the drain in the bathtub sucked greedily soapy water with a swirling and gurgling noise that interfered cacophonous with the music from her small transportable DAB and FM radio that stood on a lowered toilet seat, and a small rainbow formed suddenly by the shower’s hot water jets hit the edge of the bath tub and developed a fine vapor. The almost ethereal hues suggested the differences and similarities between visual art, music, poetry, fairy tales and other of the fine arts, all of which required inspiration and imagination.

søndag den 4. maj 2014


Der var en magisk belysning i Mosekonens område mellem de to mægtige riger. Man vidste, at grænsen gik her, men den var ikke klart defineret, for landskabet tillod ikke dette. Det var jo mose, og afmærkning med skilte eller lignende kunne ikke fastholdes. Landskabet forandrede sig hele tiden, og selv om det, på sin særlige måde, var meget smukt, var det også farligt at bevæge sig rundt i. Ikke så få var forsvundet, helt uden spor, og eftersøgninger var der ingen der turde påtage sig.

Josephine og Knud Børge gik hånd i hånd og nød omgivelserne i fulde drag. De kendte lidt til området og holdt nøje øje med, hvor de satte fødderne, for der var jo svampet hist og her, og man kunne sikkert være uheldig at blive suget ned, så man var aldeles hjælpeløs, på en måde der mindede om at blive fanget af kviksand. Sådan var fortællingerne om området i hvert fald, men om de egentlig holdt vand, var aldrig blevet bevist.

De forsvundne personer kunne jo også være udvandret til et af de to riger og anmodet om asyl her, eller de kunne være gået under jorden, hvilket godt kunne lade sig gøre, uden at man nødvendigvis behøvede at blive opslugt af den. Men mange var så opslugte af ideen om mosens egenart, at de ikke frivilligt opgav de makabre rygter og sagn, der var i omløb. For lidt ekstra kulør på maleriet gjorde det jo tydeligere og dermed lettere at få øje på.

En fin og svalende tåge bølgede og gav området et eventyrligt indtryk.

 ”Mosekonen brygger,” sagde Knud Børge.

Josephine nikkede smilende. Hun kunne godt lide Knud Børges sans for det mystisk-romantiske og lænede sig ind mod ham, mens de gik. Det føltes næsten, som om de svævede, tænkte hun… og pludselig indså hun, at det var lige, hvad de gjorde.

”VI svæver, Knud Børge,” udbrød hun med brudt stemme.

Knud Børge, som hun stadig holdt i hånden, begyndte at stige opad. Det var så forbløffende, at de uvilkårligt slap hinandens hænder, og et øjeblik efter var Knud Børge ude af syne, opslugt af Mosekonens bryg.

Josephine opdagede, at hun smilede, og var ganske overrasket over, at det ikke bekymrede hende det fjerneste. Der var sådan en smuk stemning omkring det hele, som om alt var i den skønneste orden, der ikke krævede nogen forklaring. Hun svævede nogle tommer over mosen og følte en vidunderlig lethed i hele sin krop og sit sind.

Ud af tågerne dukkede en hvid hest, med kæmpestore, svaneagtige vinger, op og kom helt hen til hende.

”Stig på,” sagde den, ”vi må videre.”

Josephine svang sig let op, og så gik det med svimlende fart lige ind i intetheden. Der var hverken rum eller tid her, og der var ingen til at iagttage det, så der kan ikke berettes om det, og derfor lader vi den stå her. Da hun blev bevidst igen, var hun i færd med at krydse den diffuse grænse mellem Mosekonens område og det frodige, solbeskinnede sommerland, det stødte op til, men inden hun kunne nå at overveje alt dette, var det helt og aldeles glemt igen.

Så stod hun med lukkede øjne og telefonbruseren i hånden, mens hun skyllede sæben ud af sit lange hår, og afløbet i badekarret sugede grådigt sæbevandet til sig med en egen, hvirvlende og gurglende lyd, der blandede sig kakofonisk med musikken fra hendes lille, transportble DAB og FM radio, der stod på det nedslåede toiletbræt, og en lille regnbue dannedes pludselig, hvor bruserens varme vandstråler ramte kanten af badekarret og fremkaldte en fin damp. De næsten æteriske farvenuancer antydede forskellene og lighederne mellem billedkunst, musik, poesi, eventyr og andre af de skønne kunster, som alle krævede inspiration og fantasi.

lørdag den 3. maj 2014

Morning Mist

  • She felt that she literally walked beside herself. It was as if there were two approaches: the usual and another. She wanted to be conscious of, and on, the other too, and sat down on a milestone that was standing in the way, and then she tried to relax. Luckily it was an old-fashioned, soft and rotten milestone, from the time they were made of wood, so with the folded moss jersey as cushion, it went fine.
    She was a very typical forest elf, at least to look for with large, pointed ears, and wearing a fern robe with a short jersey of silvery moss underneath. After a deep slow breath, as Marshwoman had teached her, she listened inward, and fast something happened: A small bell rang, so fine that she again was beside herself, and her attention became extreme and subtle. She pricked ears, listened earnestly, and understood now that she lived in two worlds at the same time.
    She was accustomed to only perceive one world, but now she could understand that the other world was just as real and that she was present in both worlds. The shift between the awareness in the two worlds came with so fast vibration that she always felt she only was in the one, no matter which of them she was in. She also got an incomprehensible insight into the concept: one world seemed dynamic and rich in sensations, joys and sorrows, while the other was static of nature and at the same time mysterious and inexplicable, while it all the time delivered fuel to the whole thing.
    Right now, she could not grasp what this discovery could be used to, but she would visit Marshwoman next time she brewed and have a good talk with her. For she could much more than the Lord’s Prayer, and while she brewed, she was so inspiring to exchange considerations with.
    Especially when one is tangible bluntly, could talk about everything under the sun, and between heaven and earth, where the Muses held court, while they embroidered floral motifs on their robes and giggling listened in on forest elves, and other good beings innocent postulates as they themselves, after all, knew was playful, experimental trial balloons.


Hun følte, at hun bogstaveligt talt gik ved siden af sig selv. Det var, som om der fandtes to indfaldsvinkler: Den sædvanlige og den anden. Hun fik lyst til også at blive bevidst i, og om, den anden og satte sig på en milepæl, som ellers bare stod i vejen, og prøvede så at slappe af. Heldigvis var det en gammeldags, blød og frønnet milepæl, fra dengang de blev lavet af træ, så med den sammenfoldede mostrøje som hynde, gik det an.

Hun var en helt typisk skovalf, i hvert fald at se til, med store, spidse ører, og iklædt en bregnekappe med en kort trøje af sølvlignende mos indenunder. Efter nogle langsomme åndedrag, som Mosekonen havde indviet hende i, lyttede hun indad, og hurtigt skete der noget: En lille klokke ringede, eller måske nærmere kimede, så fint, at hun atter var ude af sig selv, og hendes opmærksomhed blev vakt til det yderste. Hun spidsede ører, lyttede inderligt, og forstod med eet, at hun levede i to verdener på én gang.

Hun var vant til kun at opfatte den ene verden, men nu kunne hun forstå, at den anden verden var lige så virkelig, og at hun var bevidst, og lige meget, til stede i begge verdener. Skiftet mellem opholdene i de to verdener, skete med så stor vibrationshastighed, at hun altid kun troede hun var i den ene, uanset hvilken af dem, hun var i. Hun fik også et uforståeligt indblik i ideen med dette: Den ene verden forekom dynamisk og rig på sanseindtryk, glæder og sorger, mens den anden var af statisk natur og samtidig mystisk og uforklarlig, mens den leverede brændstof til hele moletjavsen.

Lige nu kunne hun ikke overskue, hvad denne opdagelse kunne bruges til, men hun ville besøge Mosekonen, næste gang hun bryggede og få en god snak med hende. For hun kunne meget mere end sit fadervor, og mens hun bryggede, var hun så inspirerende at udveksle betragtninger med.

Særligt når man, helt konkret og uden omsvøb, kunne tale om alt mellem himmel og jord, hvor Muserne jo holdt hof, broderende blomstermotiver på deres klædninger, mens de fnisende lyttede med på skovalfers, og andet godtfolks, troskyldige postulater, som de selv, trods alt, godt vidste var legende, eksperimenterende prøveballoner.

torsdag den 1. maj 2014

The First Birthday

On the very first birthday you are none years, and one of the Muses brings a gift. A piece ethereal amber, which maybe is from before the recognized world’s creation. It exudes a magical glow that goes straight to the heart where it also is retained, as long as there is something called time.
The Muse does not say anything, although there is a beautiful communication, for words are not invented yet and would therefore be both clumsy and inappropriate. Words first arrived when the thoughts and the feelings rug were pulled and covered the living sun, leaving only the echo of its light present, and relatively soon after came letters and characters dancing on stage, where the sun now was replaced by spotlights. So accustomed to them became one, that the sun’s real light at times was completely forgotten, but during holidays there fortunately was happy bathing in it again.
Lying in the summer fresh and warm, flowers decking grass with closed eyelids, which allowed the sun to shine gently through and reach into the mind, there was nothing to be understood or revealed, all said itself without words, letters and characters. And summer’s beautiful, fertile peace vibrated silently right in the middle of all sounds.
The magical glow of the Muses gift had heart rate, and made sometimes the heart tickling with expectation. As a reminder from the Muse on the agreement concluded, before communication was word-shaped, at the very first birthday.

Den første fødselsdag.

På den allerførste fødselsdag fyldes ikke år, og en af muserne bringer en gave. Et stykke æterisk rav, som måske er fra før den anerkendte verdens tilblivelse. Det udstråler et magisk skær, som går lige i hjertet, hvor det opbevares, så længe der er noget, der hedder tid.

Musen siger ikke noget, selv om der er en smuk kommunikation, for ord er slet ikke opfundet endnu og ville derfor være både klodsede og upassende. Ord kom først til, da tankernes og følelsernes tæppe trak ind foran den levende sol, så kun ekkoet af dens lys var nærværende, og relativ kort tid efter, kom også bogstaver og tegn dansende ind på scenen, hvor spotlights nu tog sig af oplysningen. Så vante til dem blev man, at man i perioder helt glemte solens virkelige lys, men i ferier badede man lykkeligt i det igen.

Liggende i sommerens friske og lune, blomsterpyntede græs med lukkede øjenlåg, som tillod solen at lyse blidt gennem og nå helt ind i sindet, var der ikke noget, der skulle forstås eller åbenbares, for alt sagde sig selv uden ord, bogstaver og tegn. Og sommerens smukke, frugtbare fred vibrerede tyst lige i midten af alle lyde.

Det magiske skær fra musens gave har puls, og nogle gange kildrer det frydefuldt i hjertet. Sådan minder musen på den aftale der blev indgået, før kommunikation blev ordformet.

På den allerførste, årsløse fødselsdag.