lørdag den 10. maj 2014

The Roadside by the Milky Way

As he walked quietly and thoughtfully at the star studded Milky Way, he saw the beautiful flowers on the roadside. He wanted to pick a bouquet, but decided just to pick three flowers because he did not have the heart to take too much into this wonderful vegetation, but as it turned out, the flowers grew just as quickly out again, as he could pick them, he gathered so many that there could be both a bouquet as a garland for his muse’s lovely head. She bathed in the beautiful, fresh sea by her adventure shore, and when she sat down on her blanket in the glittering sand, would the flowers and the garland, in a special way they both understood, lie next to the inflatable cushion.
He picked boldly thousand. While he was sitting by the roadside, and merged, he thought of the tale of the women in the ditch. He had finally understood it but could still pick wisdom flowers out of it, and with this knowledge he had gained access to his walks in the Milky Way. Then he went on, as he thought of his muse. His face revealed a quiet and joyful smile.
Leaning against a piece of rainbow stood a young man and watched him. He looked interested in the bouquet and floral wreath, and looking towards a point above his head as if he could see anything. And he could. He saw smal bubbles that rose up in a little bow , and up to a larger bubble, much like the speech bubbles in an earthly cartoon, and he saw his own idea of what the man with the flowers had in mind.
When they were near each other, said the rainbow man:
“I see, you think of an exceptionally beautiful woman by the sea, and you look like you have something special in mind, if I may say so.”
“Well, yes, I have then. But I can see that even that your thoughts make your heart beats a little faster under than over the umbilicus, it banks beautiful. So, here you go. You get this bouquet and this garland. Whether you want to pass them on to someone you appreciate, or consider them as a gift you alone to enjoy is entirely up to you. I do not manage to give them directly to my muse, but she has certainly already understood my intention, while she is sun dreaming.
And it’s the only way she wants and can receive on.”

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