lørdag den 3. maj 2014

Morning Mist

  • She felt that she literally walked beside herself. It was as if there were two approaches: the usual and another. She wanted to be conscious of, and on, the other too, and sat down on a milestone that was standing in the way, and then she tried to relax. Luckily it was an old-fashioned, soft and rotten milestone, from the time they were made of wood, so with the folded moss jersey as cushion, it went fine.
    She was a very typical forest elf, at least to look for with large, pointed ears, and wearing a fern robe with a short jersey of silvery moss underneath. After a deep slow breath, as Marshwoman had teached her, she listened inward, and fast something happened: A small bell rang, so fine that she again was beside herself, and her attention became extreme and subtle. She pricked ears, listened earnestly, and understood now that she lived in two worlds at the same time.
    She was accustomed to only perceive one world, but now she could understand that the other world was just as real and that she was present in both worlds. The shift between the awareness in the two worlds came with so fast vibration that she always felt she only was in the one, no matter which of them she was in. She also got an incomprehensible insight into the concept: one world seemed dynamic and rich in sensations, joys and sorrows, while the other was static of nature and at the same time mysterious and inexplicable, while it all the time delivered fuel to the whole thing.
    Right now, she could not grasp what this discovery could be used to, but she would visit Marshwoman next time she brewed and have a good talk with her. For she could much more than the Lord’s Prayer, and while she brewed, she was so inspiring to exchange considerations with.
    Especially when one is tangible bluntly, could talk about everything under the sun, and between heaven and earth, where the Muses held court, while they embroidered floral motifs on their robes and giggling listened in on forest elves, and other good beings innocent postulates as they themselves, after all, knew was playful, experimental trial balloons.

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