mandag den 12. maj 2014

Was it a dream or just a moonbeam?

If life is a dream, then who is dreaming? While you sleep, you can dream. Who is dreaming? Is it the person you are in the dream, or is it the person lying under the covers, or maybe both? The people you are discussing with in a dream may have an entirely different opinion than yourself. Do they know it themselves, or are they just extras? The person you are in the dream is of the same substance as the persons you have discussions with. This also applies to the surroundings including the surrounding universe. When you wake, you know that you do not dream.
But this you know also while you dream.
Between wakefulness and dreams, there is a borderland where the universe’s most beautiful symphonies are composed and tested to find suitable instrumentations, after which they will be written on subtle music sheets. Here is a port that is lit with a glow as from the noblest ethereal-poetic amber, and do you find this port and go through it, you are suddenly in the realm where spring and fall, birth and death, wonderful presence and staggering distances, is a circular rainbow, like Ouroboros, the snake of eternity, that has no beginning, no middle and no end.
While dreaming, you believe in what you experience. For you are not only an observer of the dream, you participate in it, you are directly involved. It is easy to forget when you recall the episodes from a dream. Here you recreate it from the outside in a slight angle from above and maybe only enlightened by a few moonbeams from your mind.
If you, while you’re dreaming, are pondering over questions such as time, distance, eternity, etc., you will find that the problems are the same as when you’re awake. Here is the past, present, future, infinity, etc. also subjects which evading clarity.
Sometimes you become suddenly aware that you are dreaming, and then you can often soar and really enjoy the new possibilities, but it rarely lasts long. One of the reasons is that it is easy to abuse these supernatural powers, and then you will continue dreaming normally again or wake up.
Are these issues important to get answered? Yes, that’s perhaps a good question.
The old moon says, that if you let the thoughts rest and give the baton to the heart, moonbeams will whisper what you need to know, if you still remember your questions and hold on to them. If you don’t they were mostly figments. She might have a part in it and is happy to share her knowledge and experience without taking a single wolf howl for it. She usually saying:
“I have even got my information from the sun, and completely free of charge.”

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