fredag den 23. maj 2014

Freya's aura

She is the fairest among asynjes, and soon she will arrive. The room is cleansed and thousands of rose petals are spread all over the floor.
A rustle is heard outside the door. Could it be her?
No, just a cat, and the door is quickly closed. Shortly after the rustle returns… The door is opened ajar and another cat miaows. It is served a treat, and the door is quickly closed. The dog doesn’t feel comfortable with cats, and cats are not expected right now.
Time passes by and the rose petals wither. She did not show up after all.
“Yes yes yes” the blackbird sings, “she unleased the two cats from the waggon and sent them ahead. If you didn’t know them and closed your door, she could not find you. Should you still perceive her knocking, however, she has not given up hope for paying you a visit. But your expectations are obstacles for that which is, and you will not be able to recognise her, as the vanguards sent ahead, are also her… in disguise. You have no idea of how much she exceeds your expectations – so welcome her just as she is.
She might send a vanguard… once more out of your comprehension for connecting to her. Always keep an eye on Bifrost, the rainbow bridge to Valhalla.
She weeps the tears of gold and amber, because she misses Od, but should she ever come to visit you, and you manage to make her smile through the tears, she forgets all about him and stays with you. She wants so much to forget him, as he will never ever return to the sacred place in her heart.
If you let go of your primitive thoughts about her, and allow your heart to open wide – she is yours. The highest obtainable beauty of this world. And you will be hers.”

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