tirsdag den 6. oktober 2015


“Are adventures real, or are they just fairy tales?”
“Ok, then I will ask in a different way: What is adventure?”
“Everything, if you have mind to it.”
“What about the stories in adventure books. They are probably fictional?”
“We can call them Adventures in adventure. Adventures can be gentle and sensitive, and they may be harsh or cruel. An adventure may also contain both. It is not the action that defines adventure. A movie is a movie no matter what it contains.”
“Who wrote MY life’s adventure?”
“I assume that you mean YOUR life’s adventure. But YOU can’t say that. It is not written finished, but you can consider yourself as the pen that is dipped into ink and the hoof that leads it. Together they describe your life’s adventure while it happens.”
“Who is the author?”
“I suppose it is a collaboration between the basic thought, hoof and pen. Ultimately, it might be the same. Make sure, just in case, that you hold your pen in order, to prevent ink blots.”
“Jump in the saddle. Then we will ride an adventour in adventure.”

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