mandag den 4. april 2016

I´ll be back!

I will approach to the horizon, and soon I'm away. Then "Off" has taken me. Before I get totally absorbed in the abyss, I make myself extra effort, so you don’t forget me and lose heart.
Look at me, enjoy my beautiful rays. And I'll be back... I will be reborn. If you are standing exactly where you stand now my rebirth will come behind on you. Then you must repent if you want to see me, and I will then enlighten you, warm you and caress your face.
Yet for quite a while after I am gone, my glow will stay with you so you can remember me for something good. I know your memory is short but if you call on me, I will come again. This time of year you should probably call on me in a 8-10 hours. If you not believe in me and therefore fail to call on me, I will come anyway. Maybe you can not see me directly when I arrive, the clouds love to play hide and also sometimes they just teases.
But I'm there. In a way, I am above everything, at least above all the things you can see. Whether I am directly visible or not, I'm there after I pushed the night into the abyss. Sometimes I have to step on the tip of its fingers, to get it to let go. That may sound a little harsh and cynical, but I'm just doing my job. It is in my job description, and I do it for you.
Your Sun. ;)

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