onsdag den 19. marts 2014


“Apples are really something special,” said the beautiful, ripe apple to her seatmate. They lay on hold on a small dish, freshly washed and dried off with a towel that was exclusively used for the purpose.
“Just think of how many adventures that is written about us. Not to forget the metaphor of the fateful apple Eve tempted Adam to take a bite off. We apples have been the model to much. William Tell shot at target with bow and arrow at one of our ancestors who was placed on Tell’s own son’s head. It was, as I recall, 18th. November 1307, and Newton invented gravity because of us. I could go on, if I otherwise was just as good to remember as Ranger apples. Our problem now is, as I see it, that we not only are picked but also have been sprayed.
“There’s also something unpleasant to remember,” grunted the apple which had a green tint. It missed the time where it hung on the tree and were able to enjoy the birds singing and the sun’s warm rays. “I am thinking of Snow White’s evil stepmother, who lured her to the bite of a poisonous apple.”
“True, but the poison was not innate. For we are healthy, juicy and refreshing of nature and can’t help that we sometimes are exploited for evil. It happens everywhere, and many syringes us so that we can keep ourselves pretty long time. It’s fucking uncomfortable, and it weakens as I said also the memory. But what can you do?”
“Have you heard of the apples, the Norse gods eat in Valhalla?”
“No, there are also gods apples? Yes why not?”
“None of the Norse gods stays like longer than about twenty-five years of age, if they do not eat of Idun’s apples. It gives them eternal youth. Now, one may ask if they then live forever, and I think they do. It’s like implicit in the words ‘eternal youth,’ right?”
“I wonder if Valhalla is the same as Paradise, and wonder if we have some genes from Idun’s apples? Yes not because I would be surprised, but it probably means only that those who eat us, hold up well. Personally we have no benefit from it. We are vegetarians and do not cannibals. Just the thought of having to eat an apple, seems to me quite surreal.”
“Our cores are rare eaten by humans. Many are thrown here and there, but birds and animals eat from beginning to end. The cores tend to wander through the digestive system and is spread far and wide. This means that the apple trees are growing very in so many locations. In this way, we keep the, albeit unknowingly, countless beings circuit in good shape so that they live longer than they would otherwise have done, and we keep also doctors from the doors, “if one can hit them,” as they say. So you could add that regarding to what Yduns apples can do, then we have probably a shade of it in our peel.”
“When I die, if I die, I become a Paradise apple, I think, and then I’m curious to se whether Adam and Eve has been allowed to re-enter or not.”

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