tirsdag den 11. marts 2014

SMS to secret number

“Is it okay to call you now?” He pressed “send” and the words were on their way. “Yes, they might already be there, for text should probably not travel as such,” he thought. The receiver was Erato who lived surrounded by the most beautiful fluffy clouds, which were shaped as landscapes, lakes, castles and more common, but still very beautiful, houses.
He could not call or send a SMS to his beloved Caroline, because she had no cell phone. She didn’t even know what it was. Wherever she lived, it was not invented yet. It was about time differences, since all inventions was consummated on some essential plans, but not physically implemented in all ages. It was because timing played so crucial a role. At the right time and place it happened what should happen, and he knew that the gods and goddesses were very much aware of that. So he sent the text message to Erato who he wanted to talk to, because he had met her once in a different time, or perhaps in another dimension, and she had promised him that she very much wanted to help him, if one day he needed it, and then she had confided to him her secret number.
Caroline went down to the beach every day and looked out past the headland facing the sea. She had a longing in her chest after… she did not know what, but her longing was great and had something with love and romance to do. She could not put pictures on it, but in her dreams she had long, wonderful relationships with him that kept her heart on fire. She could never remember the meetings, but something inside of her could, and it created these longings.
She had no idea about that they lived in different eras, but he understood it to some extent, and therefore he texted to Erato. He’d call her up when she had time, and ask her to comfort Caroline, who also lived in his dreams, and it was possible if Erato would be so sweet to let her meet him, in the way he was incarnate now, in her own current time. On a deeper level, it might be satisfactory to both.
Erato was therefore requested to act as a kind of matchmaker, which she had nothing at all against. After some pink reflections, she decided that Caroline someday would spot a full-rigged ship that pointed the bowsprit in her direction, right where she used to stand to wait and scout. Then he would be sent ashore in a rowboat, because the sailing vessel could not get near enough the shallow coast.
Erato applauded, cheered and welcomed as a small child to make the whole adventure started. It was something that made life enchanting. Bringing two hearts together, she would set both heaven and earth in motion for.

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