torsdag den 13. marts 2014

The Golden App

Whether she really was queen or not, reveals this story not, but one thing is certain: She lived like one, of the great resources her customers put in her account each month. And here was not talking about pennies, not at all.
She delivered distilled purchasing power, one could download, and it was not so easy to produce. It might seem a bit scary too, because it cost many people the most precious they knew: Their love affairs and their lives.
She lived in a palace built on top of the Mammon Mountain which was a mammoth of a mountain. From here she had a wonderful view. She lived so high up, that many of the clouds could only be seen from above, and they hided almost Tears Valley where the unhappy suppliers of purchasing power searched in blindness after what they had lost.
It is reported that she was a relative of the evil fairy from the fairy tale of Sleeping Beauty, but although it is an adventure, there might well be something to it. It all depends on the glasses you wear when you read stuff like that. The words must of course first be filtered through water from the Well of Wisdom, but then there is also food for thoughts.
Her last victim, Mister Sweetheart, lived happily in Shangri-La, where he shared table and bed with Tallulah. One beautiful, or fateful, day he sat and wove a garland to his beloved. The Queen of the Mammon Mountain had for a long time had him in sight, and appeared now on the arena.
“Hi, I’m Penny Jane, Queen of the Golden App. Would you like to see the Milky Way from above?”
“Can it be done?” He looked at her in surprise and remarked how beautiful she was, but he could not interpret the flashes in her eyes. Whether they were like shooting stars or lightning, was difficult to determine.
Her developed third eye, which he could not see, staring concentrated on his lower chakras until it was possible for her to turn them on. She reached a hand toward him, and he took it willingly, for now kribbling it throughout the body, and much more than he was used to. They hugged, and both rose then up in the air like slow tied together rockets, and suddenly rotating they to the left and flew with blinding speed far, far away from Shangri-La.
They landed softly on a green spot with lots of trees and shrubs around, and the Queen of the Golden App seduced him effortlessly with a bombastic dance, which he found quite irresistible. Then she disappeared into thin air, and he looked dazed down his body and realized that he, in return for having lost a belt, braces, credit cards and passwords had got his actual age back. The smooth skin was replaced with wrinkled skin, and what used to be muscle, seemed now as limp dishcloths.
The sky was clear and blue, he could not see one drifting cloud, and he did not know where he was. Then he heard the complaint and whining, and now he saw that some people walked with bowed heads and searched, with eyes blinded by bitter tears of remorse, and one of those who had been looking a long time, told him that they were in the Tears Valley, which was also called the Fools Valley. Everyone tried to spot gold, the gold was everywhere in small chunks, because the goddess Freya had shed so many tears here, and she owned now millions of dollars in solid gold, and amber from those tears which fell in the ocean, as we have been told many times before. Anyone who complained and wailed was insolvent, all came from Shangri-La, and with one accord they yearned back.
At night, with no clouds, he could only see the Milky Way from below, as he was used to, but he would not bow to fate, for he knew he was loved and missed, so it mattered, for all the world, to get back to his beloved Tallulah, as Penny Jane had fooled him to leave.
He remembered an adventure he had been told in Shangri -La. It was about guiding stars, and he understood that he too had a beacon that shone incessantly. During the day, it could not be seen with the naked eye, and probably neither by night, but it was there anyway, and if he followed its silent instructions, as always rained down on him as invisible dew drops, he would be able to find back home. He could only read the guide star’s messages if he was completely quiet inside, and tried to live with his heart chakra awake. It could well be difficult when one were full of sadness and longings and almost empty of energy, but there was no way around it.
He therefore decided to take the inner road and along the road’s ditches, he would pick a bouquet of flowers as Tallulah should have when he got home, for home would he. Sooner or later. He believed it, and he had heard that faith can move mountains. He would also try to listen to the star’s whispering, guided instructions, for where there is a will there is a way.

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