søndag den 9. marts 2014

Nectar get-together

“Mount Meru, as everyone knows reaches into the sky, is the center of the world,” stated Parvati to those present, with what looked like a convincing mine. Lakshmi nodded agreeing, but you could look at both Frigg, Freya, Aphrodite and Venus, that they not felt directly agree with the Indian goddesses.
So far so good. People who live near Himmelbjerget (The Heaven Mountain), a little Danish mountain in Jutland, are probably also tend to regard this place as center of the world. All this talk about the center of the world could then be good and real enough, because when all was said and done, all places were suitable to be called center. But when people began to claim that something was center of the universe, they skated on thin ice, and then it was time to change the subject, for the universe has neither beginning, middle or end, and what is up or down, can also occur a little tricky when assessing the space. Only by being on a place with gravity, gives up and down a certain sense.
“Yes, but we know the best Mount Olympus as…” began Venus, but Aphrodite shushed her, because she knew from experience that it was a wild shot to fire here and now in this company. No, it was better to place some serious issues on the table so the goddesses could discuss at a higher level, as long as there was some control on the topics. They were all wise and experienced, and if a pen had written shorthand and referenced the conversations which had been completed, during their nectar get-together, it would have given rise to many bookcase meters of reading material of the highest quality.
“What is most valuable, love or infatuation,” exclaimed Freya a little hectic, and hit a topic that effortlessly got a foothold in everyone’s mind.
“Infatuation is the most beautiful I know, I think,” exclaimed Lakshmi.” For the love starts here and this is also where the seeds for the family’s continuation are laid, reason is being sidelined and the lovers are more than happy.”
“Good point,” said Aphrodite,” but do not forget that love lasts the longest, because love knows no borders and has no age. Love is eternal, infatuation is transient.”
Frigg spit some fruit seeds out sideways. She sat and enjoyed herself and let her experienced voice heard: “Love is the soil that infatuation’s flowers grow in. Therefore love is said to be the greatest.”
“Are we talking about plain love or eternal love,” said Parvati, who was also called Durga and on rare occasions, Kali. She did not feel so good about being called Kali more for this name called unwieldy memories of terrible human sacrifices, and although it was many years ago, it was kind of like it could sting if or when it was remembered. She compensated a little over eagerly, by talking upwards the doors and down the pillars, if you got too close to this branch of the past, and therefore she behaved so that people considered her as extrovert, even though she in reality was completely introvert.
“Both and” said Frigg quickly. “But let’s go to the seed, soft it up a bit and saw it in good and healthy soil. For whether it is one or the other, it’s always started with a seed of some sort.”
“True enough, Frigg,” answered Freya. “Whether to experience plain love or eternal love, it all starts by to sow seeds I think, and because you are spitting fruit seeds out sideways, grow many fine things up, and sooner or later you will reap what you’ve sown. If you had not rehearsing, so many eons, to spit out the seeds exactly where you want them, there had probably not been something called Garden of Eden, from where all generations derived from as far as I am informed. But love’s essence would still be around the highest mountains and be living in the deepest valleys.”

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