fredag den 7. marts 2014

Moonlight Dance

The silence is mellow and loving. No wind stirs in the late summer night. In the white-painted window sill she sits with some locks of her hair between two fingers as she leads into her mouth while she looks directly at him with teasing and questioning eyes. She has a belt around her waist, made from pine cones, and there is a fine scent of pine needles around her.
She is smaller than average, but fully matured and wearing only a stubby, dirty, thin and ragged shirt that emphasizes more than it covers, and her bare body parts gently illuminated by the full moon.
She must have come in through the window, for the door of the room is locked, but how she has come up in the second-floor level seems puzzling. There is something magical about the situation. As if she’s from another world, even if she is really enough. They approached each other, and suddenly they were melted together in a magnetic embrace, as if they have missed each other indefinitely.
“Come with me,” she said suddenly, in a voice that is reminiscent of silver bells and sun glistening dewdrops.
“I’ll teach you to dance elf dance at the forest lake, and I want to play elf music for you. You have so many thoughts that confuse you, and sometimes unnerve you, but when we dance and play, everything falls into place. You think you need a lot of answers, but questions and answers redeemed through our secret steps and magical music that takes us beyond both space and time. The nodes for the music we grow on the moon’s backside, where we have big node fields, and by the forest lake shores are three hundred and seventy-three measuring larvaes employees to place them exactly where they belong on node sheets. Also the carefully matched proportions and the crucial timing are plotted on the right place.
So then we will dance right into this subtle space that exists where one thought ends and another begins.”

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