onsdag den 26. marts 2014

Forever and ever

The place where eternity finally ends, is relatively far out. Few have been there because it is so well hidden. It is listed in category A, and the only building is a typical fairytale castle. Everyone knows how such a one looks like, and many would like to visit it, but it’s not just something as can be done automatically.
Behind the castle is a great mountain. It consists apparently only of rocks, and it is said to have a special mission:
Once every thousand years, comes the legendary bird Rok to sharpen its beak. When the mountain is worn down by this treatment, is one second of eternity gone. For most it is some quite unfamiliar time horizons, to deal with. And it’s probably also just a legend.
What is a legend?
It is called, for example, an edifying tale … from the old days, to get a sort of realistic distance to it. You may not like to involve the present in mystery, but if you can’t see that the present is just as mysterious as the past, will you just continue to create history, and will then still be on the treadmill, which does not stop until you hops off. It is all too evident that you have to keep it going, for the next steps that immediately pops up, makes it difficult to realize that it can stop.
Some understand this, but do not dare to hop off, others can’t see the point of stopping. A few jumps however, either because they are brave enough, because they can see the idea of it, or because they are sufficiently tired of the treadmill. They wake up in the fairytale castle where eternity finally ends.
For this is a ticket to the castle of timelessness, where you will meet the Queen, who holds court here. She reveals the origins of the various narratives and legends, and shows you the mountain’s deep secret:
“In the heart of the mountain banks a large and warm heart. From the outside, the mountain seems cold and hard, but the heart, there banks inside it, heats the entire universe.”
And while you rub your eyes after the dawn of time finally is present, it is easy enough to understand.
The legendaric bird Rok keeping an eye, with tilted head and with whimsical twinkle in the eyes, while the Queen inaugurates you in all the legends, worn by every ray of the morning sun here on site.
But from the treadmill, everything is as it always was, and the sun from time immemorial is not even on the horizon yet.

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