tirsdag den 22. juli 2014

Adventure from the forest's floor

As it stood there, and in this way would an ordinary person not think that the horse had a life, but just smile about it. If you were a supernatural creature the matter was viewed differently. Then you knew the horse was alive, and a few even knew that it was a good storyteller, although its legs and neck were as thin as matchsticks. But also here one should not manageable dog on the hairs as the pinecone had laid ears to countless adventures from the horse's chestnut-muzzle, and some of them he had heard so many times that he could retell them, and that the elves enjoyed. They loved listening to fairy tales about supernatural creatures and events. It could light up on a weekday, which sometimes might seem a little boring.

"I myself am nothing special," he said, "but I tell you, there is more between tree crowns and roots than we can understand. You can become quite disturbed in your head of fussing too much about it, so I tell only stories about what I know. It gives no headache, but serves as inspiring and soothing vitamins for the body, imagination and soul."

"How do we know that what we know also is what is?" said a little elf as he chewed on a blade of grass.

 "Well, we know this because the chestnut-horse told it, and he has studied gibberish in its basic form, enshrined in ancient leaves from the primeval forest trees."

"But what about evolution?" continued the elf. Everything evolves, and we will hopefully become wiser and wiser, as the seasons change. What was true in the past is surely not necessarily true today."

"Good point. However, one must be careful not to throw the peas out with the pods, because much of the ancient stuff is really wise. It just has not been taken literally, but understood in its essence, otherwise it is not true in our time, but does more harm than good, and then you come with ease to think of an elephant in a china shop. Very different kinds of trees were growing then, just to name an example that not to be taken literally either. In addition, there is a useful rule of thumb: If the story ends, Snip, Snap, Snout, it is trustworthy. Otherwise, you are more or less on the Lord’s Field. Take the huge copper beech over there. It says that we all can fail and it has even so many growth rings that it pinches for the bark reaching around them here and there."

The pinecone stretched so it creaked, spread his arms out and sang with commendable mine: "As long as I live, as long as my heart beats, so long I will love you… ou ou ou. These words are now enshrined on some leaves in the primeval forest, and it is said that they originally have been written on a crumpled napkin, which was thrown out of the tavern right here at the forest edge. The carrier pigeon’s aunt was moved to tears when she read them, and then she immediately sent her nephew, with the napkin rolled up on one leg, to primeval forest editors so the words could come to honor and dignity. And they are quite well known now. But now my tears also start coming out... so Snip, Snap, Snout." 

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