mandag den 7. juli 2014

Apple slices

In the Garden of Eden, Adam was “Eve-luated” and found to be suitable.
After enjoying Eve’s fruit he for the first time felt like a real man and not as a discarded apple core, and after watching very carefully, he decided to recognize Eva as the real one.
When they later were sent out in the cold, Adam had to get them clothes. He hunted suitable fur as he peeled so that they after some laborious processing could dress in it.
Until then, they were only dressed in bare skin, except for a few fig leaves.
Then they had to bite the bullet (bite the sour apple) and get a relationship – to the world too. They felt there were a world of difference. Since then there were both ups and downs.
Eva uses now her new Apple a lot. She writes with another good singer in the Big Apple, which plans to release a record in the Beatles’ old record label.
But right now she enjoys some apple slices with Adam.

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