tirsdag den 29. juli 2014

Mrs. Crystle Claire

When it began, she was pretty worried, perhaps mostly because it was totally unexpected, but also because it heralded uncomfortable and reduced opportunities in the future. She had always perceived everything razor crystal clear, so it was like getting a wet rag in the face when the details began to blur. Sharp detail was glorious and, until then, obvious, but now they disappeared almost melted away so only the overall impression, the main lines, being revealed. It was much better than nothing, but it was not plain sailing getting used to.
One day it dawned on her that it revealed new opportunities. For something she had not been aware of before, began to take shape: Major lines. New contours appearing, contours that had always been there but had remained more or less inaccessible to attention, because of the occupation of the detail’s seductive dance.
A goddess from Valhalla, an Asynje, who we will not identify specific, appeared and told her that it was a mixture of punishment and gift she had received. Fixation, due to the impressive crystal clarity of detail, she repeatedly had stumbled in, had triggered some negative responses. But because her intentions had always been the best, the contours, which now appeared, would reveal new and more important areas to explore.
“You have no idea what’s in store,” said the Asynje, “don’t worry be happy and strong, gentle, brave, patient, grateful and inquiring. Now focus on the larger contours. Completely new chapters are waiting on the next pages of “the main contours book,” and this book gets better, better and better the further you get into it.”
“That’s how it sometimes works, Mrs. Crystle Claire,” she continued, “and now I can see that the beautiful rainbow “Bifrost” becomes available, but I guess I can reach to tell you, before I slip up again, that this book is never ending.”

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