torsdag den 12. januar 2017

Once in a while.

¨What is the meaning of life¨ a small Bellis said to a somewhat larger Bellis standing nearby. Actually they stood so close that it could feel embarrassing if they were both beeing sensitive- needing to be themselves once in a while.
¨And what is the point of asking¨ the slightly larger Bellis said.
¨I don’t mean to be intrusive, but do you never think of where we come from, and where we are going to… just for a moment once in a while?¨
¨Nope, because I go nowhere, and as far as I know I have always been, where I am now. This is my “standpoint”, and I enjoy every moment. You young flowers think such strange thoughts because you are rootless! But … I have heard a little … from Daisy, a Bellis who is not around here anymore. She was brutally snatched by a cow’s mouth, leaving only a quarter of her stalk back.¨
¨What did she tell,¨ the little Bellis eagerly asked?
¨That originally we were stars. Try to look up at the night sky, if you can stay awake. There you will see thousands of joyous stars looking like us. We are regularly sent to earth as shooting stars. Actually we belong to a very fine order called Asterales… and family, as such, is called Asteraceae.
So far, so good. However, I don’t want to assume anything from out of the blue, but would rather say: It serves us best to stay on the ground. But of course I have, so to speak, both feet firmly planted in the soil and don’t like spreading rumors.¨
The small Bellis dreamingly replied: ¨Right now I want to be merged into one of the garlands, elf maidens are carrying. Surely it must be much finer than to end my days in a cow stomach.¨

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