lørdag den 22. februar 2014

Growing Pains

The small tree winced, because it was difficult to see how it could become tall enough to enjoy the life-giving sunlight, as the big and strong trees drank strength from. It wanted be a large and illuminated tree, and if it could just watch the sun as much as its older sibling, it could probably get a strong strain.
The major trees was not as vulnerable to the treatment, the animals and birds exposed them for, and when people came by the little tree, they found it hard to resist giving it a loving touch. But it was humiliating, because it had to bow and curtsy every time someone let his hands glide over it.
“Give it time,” said the big trees comforting.
“We’ve even been young once. You grow up before you know it, and so you also fears when you feel the plans of thinning or production of floorboards and toothpick. So you get to feel the rush. Rejoice rather how much you experience now and notice how many beautiful things happening around you.”
“Yes, yes, yes, they can easily say,” thought the little tree.
“I’ve been here as long as I can remember, and every morning when the sun is turned on, can I see that I am not a sliver bigger than I was yesterday.”
It blew up so it whistled in the crowns, and the big trees recounted beautiful cumulus clouds which regularly slipped past the life-giving late summer sun.
Periodically hit an explosion of golden light now the little tree, and warm feelings poured out in every leaf.
“My prayers have been heard,” cheered it. “I am the chosen one, and although I am the smallest tree in the wood, I am blessed.”
Two squirrels was carrying a small bag, they had rigged from chestnut leaves. Inside the bag were some paw full nuts. They pulled it across the forest floor and held often breaks. Suddenly they noticed the tree.
“No, what a beautiful little guy, it is certainly the smallest tree around here. I think we should dig the nuts down just below it, so it will be easier to remember where they are. Such a tree does not grow into heaven in a few months. It appears my troth just like this when we dig up our nuts to Christmas.”
“That’s what I say all the time,” thought the tree.
“But so mobile these little squirrels are. They are not tied to the spot as I am, and if I was not so earthbound, I would not be standing here. So, I would also go out.”

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