onsdag den 5. februar 2014

The World in versions

What do you see? What do I see? Do we see or realize the same if we look at the same thing?
We certainly can not have the same vantage point at the same time. Only almost. And we must have our own version too!
You can watch the same movie on TV across the country. It will be sent from somewhere in a given quality. But all the receivers, television sets in many homes, reproduce their own unique version. And the technical quality is dependent on the TV receivers. There is, for example, difference between analog and digital TV. The film that is sent is the same, but every viewer look at a different version. It is both unique and general at the same time.
When you look at a flower, you will see your unique edition. The flower appears through the viewer. We look at the same, but we see our own edition.
The proof for that we see our own version, yes unconsciously even produces it, is the visual process:
The lens of the eye producing a quite small mirror turned image on the retina. The optic nerve sends the impulses on to one or perhaps several brain centers where these impulses are processed, and only then are we aware of the flower.
The same applies in principle to the other senses.
All versions melts apparently together in one of perceptions. A little reflection shows that it also applies to our bodies with brains, senses, etc.!
Dreams provides a unique picture of the same. But there are some differences between dreams and ordinary waking consciousness, including that dreams are personal, and that you do not continue the dream where you left off the next time you fall asleep. But the mental principles has many similarities.
While dreaming, you are generally not aware that you’re in a bed under a blanket. Located next to the one that also is dreaming. We have luckily no problems with dreams collide. It shows that there need not necessarily be a problem with multiple dimensions. There are no space problems because everything ultimately is mental processes, memories which are recalled and innovations in the moment.
However, it is easier to realize in retrospect, since everything that has happened invariably given the status of memories, and memories are ideas in the mind.

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