tirsdag den 25. februar 2014

The golden brew

Darkness had lit the stars, and the moon used boldly of the overdraft facility from the sun and polished her scimitar, while she rented some pale shadows out, in an attempt to make it all hang together. She did not feel good about being so dependent and she often glanced enviously to the sun while she thought:
“The sun has it all and can do everything. What can I do anything else than to be? And I don’t even know how I ended up here, but it is obviously my destiny, although I, every now and then, would like to beat me a little loose. I have heard that a comet can hit one completely out of shape, so one really get an experience and this is, mind you, not as being hit of the pebbles that has bombarded me in decades.”
“Well, the sea is, for once, calm, so I’d better freshen up a bit, while I can see myself properly. Too bad I never can see the back of my head, but maybe there is not anyone paying attention to what I look like from behind, apart from some curious satellites, stars or comets of course. My face is a little scarred, but I am pleased, however, that I am quite alluring, and all medals have a backside. Now just look at Mars, this killjoy, there is not much fun for him anymore, so maybe I should not be so sad about my fate. My overdraft shows none of the new fees, which are on the menu at the moment, so far as I understand. It’s probably because I depend on solar energy and green energy. But I’m not just green cheese, as some assert, I am made of.”
“Cheer up, old moon,” shouted a shooting star. “I just need to fulfill a wish, but I’ll be back again if I can find my way. Some of us burn our candle at both ends, but it is fun as long as it lasts. You set many hearts on fire, you know, and Ebb looks forward every month to embrace Flow. You can do much more than you think, and you are quite indispensable. It would not surprise me if there are written more love stories and love poems about you than about the sun. Continue just to get the juices to rise. Incidentally gives you the sun plenty of self confidence. Every time you are full, she says: “Look how beautiful the moon is,” and then sends you some extra rays to substantiate it and without adding interest and fees. I love the sun, it does a great job, and many of the people who salute you in poetry, carries a mirror image of her in their hearts. In addition, we are one big family who must live in the same room, let us rejoice in each other’s quirks, abilities and tasks.”
“I wish I was as beautiful as a shooting star,” thought the moon and wondered if the shooting star came back. Although she had seen countless shooting stars in the course of time, and they were all just as beautiful, and each had its own personality. “They were admittedly recurring events, but I wonder if they all end up in the Wishing Well and become magical liquid gold.”
For there was an adventurous glow above the Wishing Well, and some claimed that the goddess, Aurora, used the gold in her own way and frequently poured out a glass filled to the brim with the beautiful luminous golden brew as a tribute to the early morning.

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