lørdag den 1. februar 2014

Time travel

“Some imagine that one maybe can travel back in time, but never ahead because the future has not occurred yet. But if you traveled back in time, would the selected time people have to meet people (or beings) from the future.
Then, based on that logic, one can also travel to the future IF you can travel to the past.”
After reading an article in Ekstra Bladet, inspired by Videnskab.dk, there is a basis for additional views:
If you find yourself somewhere 100 million light years from Earth, and could be there looking at the earth with telescopes which were powerful enough, you would see the earth as it looked when dinosaurs lived. When you look out into space, you are looking back in time because the light is so long to arrive, and therefore, the nearest star other than the sun, turns out as it was for 4.24 years ago.
It’s an interesting angle on this that, if not travel so, however, LOOK back in time. It has been very difficult to imagine that anyone can make as powerful and advanced telescopes that this can be done, but we know very little of a possible technical development of one, thought highly developed planet.
And if you could, would you then see moving images, and if so, what is the reality of all this? Where is the difference between real living and things from yesterday? These shifts in space and time are not easy to understand, I think. But interesting to mull over.

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