onsdag den 26. februar 2014

Nana Petalia

From an average person’s perspective or point of view, she was quite small. But firstly, there were only a few people who saw her, because their thoughts were too heavy, and secondly, she lived fine and wonderful without being evaluated by people. Thirdly, she was, in her own world, quite normal of size and, as you know, it is not the size that matters, not least because everything is relative.
Nana felt never herself distracted by the people who passed through her forest. Although she was not invisible, it was rare for someone saw her. But parents, with very young children in a bag on their shoulder or in front, who had barely learned to speak clearly, wondered often about the little ones sudden and curious reactions. As if they saw something the parents not had an eye for.
Nana could do the Flik flak, she swirled artistically with her wings, and played ball with several pine cones at once and juggled with branches, so the little kids got stars in their eyes and glistening saliva in the corners of their mouths while they chuckled. The parents were in a good mood, and said:
“Little Emma, or little Peter loves the special atmosphere that is here in the woods.”

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