torsdag den 3. december 2015

The Miracle

She wrapped the long, woolen scarf around her neck several times, and with her free hand moving it around in the face, where needed and feeling good. The wind was biting cold, freezing the cheeks and nose, but in this way she constantly compensated for that. With the other hand she had a firm grip on the dog leash handle. It was a bit difficult holding the handle right, wearing big lambskin lined mittens, so she often had to check if everything was in order.
Now Frau Holles and Mother Huldas duvets get a proper shake, she thought with a smile, remembering the fairy tales being read to her as a child. Then she suddenly realized that the dog didn’t pull the leash as much as usual. Nothing indicated, however, that anything was wrong – apart from snow everywhere. She squinted as much as possible without completely shutting out all light, in order not to loose her bearings. The snow flakes were intrusive, and it felt as if they arrived from both east and west, south and north, from beneath and above.
It had been dark for some hours, and even though the snow lightened up a bit, it was troublesome finding the way. Also because it was impossible keeping the eyes open more than a second at a time. In a situation like this you could claim that heaven and earth had merged, and now she had the feeling of walking around, lost in thought for so long, that she also might had lost her bearings.
Suddenly everything offering her a sense of footing dissapeared, and she slid into a void of no resistance. She felt the dizzying pace, but had no clue of up and down… or both ways at the same time. After a few seconds she found herself in a very quiet place with a solid ground of some sort under her feet. Her hand still holding the dog leash, and the dog being there too. It felt a bit lost, but soon started to investigate the new surroundings with an eagerly vibrating nose.
The place had no landscape, nor a sky. Neither did it feel as if they were inside a building. Everthing just felt inexplicable… and safe. She tried to make sense of it, looked a bit cautiously around, then spotting two old ladies watching her with a smile, as if they had expected her to notice them.
¨I am Mother Hulda,¨ one of them said, ¨and I am Frau Holle,¨ the other lady continued. And then they told that they wanted to show her, how the fierce snowy weather had arisen on earth, and that the fairy tales she heard as a child had more to them…
¨You went for a walk with your dog in the glorious snowy weather, and we sensed your thoughts, being both pure and loving. Then we made a small HH-break.You will experience a thing like this as magic or might even a miracle. You can call it whatever you want. We cannot reveal to you how we do it, but you see… when we shake our duvets, it starts snowing on earth. Frau Holle is up in the clouds making snowy weather, whilst I am far beyond the ground. Still we can be together, and you would not be able to understand this, as it makes no sense in your brain. Anyway, when we snow at the same time, things start to happen on earth, and you might have noticed that the snow flakes come from both beneath and above – not to mention from all sides.¨
Then they clapped their hands, and a lot of elves and fairies shook and shook the ladies duvets with great delight. At the same time they took the opportunity of exercising some tremendous pillow fights, all helping to maintain the snowy weather on earth.
¨ But time has almost expired. Please join us in our Wunder-bar and enjoy a glass of hot mulled wine, which we made from the lovely bottles of elderberries, sent by Eldermom. Afterwards we miracle you back to your dog walk again, just as fast as you arrived here. You just turn sharply to the right, and you are home.¨

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