lørdag den 7. juni 2014

As time passes by

The end of the world is nigh. The end of the world might happen sooner or later. The end of the world has already happened. The world never ends. At least this many opinions turn up concerning the world’s destiny.

Everybody could be right, as the end of the world is a personal belief or experience, associated with anything from stupidity, immaturity, maturity – to wisdom and insight.

Once the veil of Maya is torn away, you realize that even the veil of Maya was the veil of Maya – and that it was always this way.

And time shall be no more…

Relatively viewed, however, this doesn’t mean that there is no time. From this point of view both space and time is – for a good while. Maybe forever.

A screw without an end is a screw without an end. If a screw is getting a bit loose, try another type. The design of the slot is subordinate as long as it fits the screwdriver.

People seeking the truth are screwdrivers. People seeking security in illusions are a bit screwed up.

And time passes by…

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