mandag den 2. juni 2014

Star Clear

“The little dwarf galaxy named Sergue 1 is 75,000 light years from our own Milky Way galaxy. It does not contain many stars – only a paltry 1,100, which is minimal compared to the 200 billion stars in our Milky Way.
The 1,100 stars do not emit much light together, and therefore the galaxy so far been too weak to be seen. So they probably have not inspired predictions.
The theories of galaxy development says today that large galaxies are formed of many smaller galaxies collided and has grown bigger.
Sooner or later they can be observed and inspire poetry and adventure, and the astrologers star maps gets bigger and bigger.”
“So you really believe, one’s destiny can be read in the stars, and maybe even in motion pictures?”
“Are you thinking of movie stars?”
“Yes, well, but with no future. The future’s not happened yet. It’s all about timing.”
“Then what about the three wise men from the East? They could see at the stars that Jesus would be born at Christmas. And even where.”
“Oh yes, but they were also astronauts.”
“No, no, they were astrologers.”
“That’s what I said, but it is perhaps only solemn days that can be predicted then?”
“Yes, it looks like this. For everyday you can try to do predictions in cards, indian palm leaves, coffee grounds or look in crystal balls if you can’t wait. Or watch a magic hour glass instead. Just seize the moment in its flight and pour it into a test tube. Add a splash of good time from time zones all over the world and put a gram of dried, powdered thyme in as well plus three grams early morning. Then only remains a pinch of sizzling sea salt a squeeze of overtime and a teaspoon tide.
Now it starts to bubble sizzle and steam so much that the stars and the Muses can get their share too, and the shape of the tube changes making the upper and lower halves expand to tripple size of their diameters whilst the middle gets a narrow waistline. A handful of fine, dried beach sand and time immediately starts. Every time time is ripe one of Newton’s laws will make time live.
Meanwhile, the stars sing the subtle songs about predictions that Kalliope has composed.”

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