lørdag den 7. juni 2014


“It seems to last for an eternity.”

Yes, the word eternity is often used
as an expression of a period of time,
either felt too long or too boring.

But nothing lasts forever. At least no things.

Philosophical minded people
ponder about this notion, not being able
to grasp or comprehend the meaning,
but still trying to make sense of it,
which seems impossible.

Eternity is always avoiding being recognized
as it seems to wear an invisible mantle.
It behaves like a woman
sending encouragingly glances to a man,
and constantly avoiding his approaches.

“Everything has its time”, the conceited,
strutting peacock shrieked.

But the lark never thought about it
while lying on its nest or just cheered towards
the background… the clear, blue sky:

“Take your time, take your time…
tweet… tweedledum and tweedledee,”
it constantly cheered. And in this way
It held eternity in its stretched wings,
implying perspectives.

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