lørdag den 7. juni 2014

Days off

When the muses overflow with energy, they fill up the poets' glasses with their sparkling brew.

But even muses need a day off from time to time.

Translated into human time a day off for a muse could last for weeks, but immediately after returning they function as newly reloaded smartphones, full of messages such as e-mails, text messages, voice messages and new applications.

Delightful mouthfuls for the awaiting poets, instantaneously enjoying large gulps of the newly poured elixir.

The poets are taking their days off at the same time as the muses, but the grass is growing even though it's hardly noticeable, and one fine day the lush meadows are covered with flowers, looking as if they were always there.

You didn't see it come, even though it was felt from deep inside, but when it has arisen, it feels so inevitable and so natural that it could not have been otherwise.

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