fredag den 27. juni 2014

On behalf of nature

Ruh-ruh….. ruhhhhhr repeated the dove to assure you how important this message was. It told of its wet dreams, as if they concerned everybody. The blackbird whistling some lengthy melody fragments that sounded like reflections on the themes of, respectively, The Battle Hymn of the Republic, Amazing Grace and Oh my darling Clementine. Lark, which worked much higher and mostly played helicopter tweeteweeted without putting commas.

The summer was at its peak, and the sun was mirrored in several rain puddles.

Dandelion discussed excited with Daisy on who was best to imitate the sun.

“You are so earthbound that you almost can't move,” said the dandelion suddenly to change the subject.

“The same to you,” answered Daisy.

“Then you have not noticed the bursts of paratroopers we send all over the parish,” boasted dandelion. It felt clear that the battle was won. Daisy wouldn’t be able to match this.

“We have no military service,” said Daisy, “because we want peace in this country. And look just how ruined you look when you have sent all your troops. Only a stem with a crestfallen flower left behind. Look at the nettles, they built militias more dignified, they are both strong and healthy. Yes, we are rooted and we are beautiful without being ostentatious.”

A little boy grip on dandelion stem, pinching it over to a suitable length, squeezed it a little at both ends, put it to his mouth and blew into it. The other flowers were perplexed about the duck-like sound and couldn’t handle it.

“But why should we actually also do that,” thought Daisy.

“Each bird sings with its own beak,” she said suddenly. Hovering and humble at the same time, as if she had found the words herself.

For it was both big and strange words for a tiny flower.

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