fredag den 13. juni 2014


Now it appeared, the cool feeling in body and mind, tantamount to the ability of floating, being capable of cancelling out gravity of one’s own volition and freely float to where and how he wished. He was in control and it was inexpressibly wonderful.
He rose above the beautiful landscape enjoying the view and the feeling of freedom, while the panorama of the fields passed by, far, far down. Normally he suffered from acrophobia. He couldn’t look down from a 2nd floor balcony without feeling a shiver down his spine, but here he just felt free and secure as an eagle during its gliding flight.
Now he floated across a city and kept his distance a bit over the rooftops. He could see people walking in the streets and wondered why nobody pointed their finger and stared vacantly at him, as he was the only one capable of flying. But no one noticed him.
About 50 meters further ahead a belfry towered high above the other buildings. Slowly he floated closer without really having made the decision, almost as if it happened by itself. When he was quite near to the belfry a feeling of uncertainty began to suffuse his whole body. Now he was very close and reached for it, grabbed hold of a frail railing and placed his feet on a cornice so narrow that he only managed to stand there with the tip of his toes.
The situation had totally changed. He thought that he should throw himself out in the air again and keep floating, which he was capable of doing, but he did not dare. The courage had left him along with the faith of being able to flow, and he desperately thought of a way in which to maneuver safely back down to the ground. He had to enter the belfry before he lost the grip but was hardly able to move.
He closed his eyes in despair… and then awoke, safe and secure in the bed. Oh, thank goodness, it was a dream. He examined it in his mind, remembered the feeling of the free floating and the meeting with the infamous security the belfry had offered him.
He regretted not daring to jump but at the same time uncertain whether it would have worked out fine. Well, it was a dream… so what could have happened?
His dog stood there, expectantly with a wagging tail, licking his hand hanging out from the bed, and he smelled newly brewed coffee.
Good morning.

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