onsdag den 4. juni 2014


Demanding waves rolls violently against the hunger’s desolate and rugged coastlines. But the gentle, white beam drowns the hunger, and its inanimate body washes up on the beach.
It was like a battle where hunger had fought to subdue the pain it caused. The battle was won quickly, and the enemy fled with shattered dreams.
Soon is the subject of the battle disappeared and forgotten. Peace is achieved without declarations and covenants while a blissful drowsiness spreads instead, and the eyelids are getting heavy.
Now be heard the larks incessant cheering while swallows gracefully and acrobatic hunt insects in flight. The buzzard scans a large area with its binoculars and with soaring expectations in the stomach.
The mouse discovered hardly how everything suddenly ended, as if by magic, while it was preparing dough for wheat bread.

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