onsdag den 11. juni 2014


"What came first, the duck or the egg?" The duck looked attentively and challenging on the other duck while they paddled peacefully around in the duck pond.

"This is the second time you ask me that question today," replied the other duck, "and I have not found the answer yet. Try to ask someone else, for I get hurt in my shell of the speculating on it."

"I could rephrase the question: What came first, the seeds or the flowers? Would it make the issue more palatable to you?"

Splash!... A large frog landed in the water right next to the ducks.

"I came first," said he and shot, virtuosity and focused, a jet of water out of his mouth. It hit exactly the other duck in the eye.

"None of my wives were ready to jump in yet. If you want to reap, you must sow first, and I sow so and so much seed every year, if I may say so. I can tell you that when my wives spawn their divine lumps, and I subsequently bless those there come quite quickly tadpoles out of it. They look like small fish until they reach the confirmation age, after which they will be real frogs and look like the rest of us… more or less. Here you can’t just simply assess the dog on its fur, but must have experience and discernment, which you do not get from day one, but first and last achieve in the long run. The ability to distinguish I could not say for certain that ducks have, just take me on the word ... and not on the thighs. Ha, ha, ha, the last one was a joke, if you know what that means. But fun it is not really. I have shown the gallows humor by saying that frog legs are alluring. They are namely too much alluring. "

"But," continued the Frog, "when my wives have shaken their eggs off, it will not take long before we see the flowers of the nation's youth, and even though you may not understand a croak of what is really going on. It is fun with a little stir in the duck pond, whatever what came first if you really want to dive deep.

“I'm like, often in depth," said the one... or maybe the other duck. “For I heard a gourmet say on telly: Push the spoon down firmly into the dish. It is at the bottom, the good stuff is. Here in this pond, much of the goodies also are on the bottom, I think, so I do like when the bottom is reached. The duck shook the water from its head and stuck briefly the beak all the way to the back, as if it had been bitten by a water flea.

"I have, on principle, no principles at all," croaked the frog." But then I am so ugly that only adventurous girls want to kiss me. Some people get offended, almost bitter if you doing stuff something different than they do. Why? I often can't use people's advices. My experience is that people want to help, but only in the way they think I should be helped. And if you get inspirations from within and know 'the force' you need the kind of help you suggest. Very few understand it, and think you are a little odd, when you can’t use a reasonable, intellectual solution. It has also something to do with timing. And the stork, the crazy bird, believes it has the best advice to help me out of my worldly problems... in a jiffy.”

"It's better to just make the best of what you have or can, and rejoice that others do the same, than to be irritated just because they have attached themselves to other approaches than those you are attached to." said the frog and did a few selfconfident swim movements. But you must remember not to be offended, else you are probably not much better though.

Well, I believe both in Santa and the stork, and the latter has just gone on the wings, so I'm leaving. See you later, and have a nice day."

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