torsdag den 19. juni 2014


She does not smile ingratiating, but her smile is nor dismissive.
Is it neutral? No it’s too real to.
She wants something. She calls and awakens a longing the heart understands, but the door is closed. The longing is too overwhelming and draws large amounts of wave foam over the adventure-sea’s puzzles.
Aphrodite sees your heart, and she’s not unfathomable.
Hebe keeps an eye ajar and hoping you not fall in Priapus’ traps. Otherwise starts the whole thing over again and Hera enters the arena.
But if you’re not looking for anything of it, let the waves dance as they want, while keeping a compass-fixed exchange rate against the pure and simple horizon.
Aphrodite cheated on you, as you saw her throw her keys into the sea.
You have dived desperately for them ever since, but her door was never locked.

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